Free Interactive Challenge

Small Habit Starter:
Free 10-Day Challenge

Kick-start your new year by learning how to break that bad habit for good.

Let me guess, you’ve tried breaking your bad habits before with no such luck.

Maybe you even worry that it’s just not possible for you. That this habit is just too far ingrained. The truth is, breaking a bad habit isn’t as painful or impossible as you might think. It can even be fun and easy.

This free 10-day challenge will give you an exact breakdown day-by-day with actions you need to do to become successful with your habits.

During this challenge, you'll take the first step to breaking your bad habit by...

  • Learning how to create more useful conversations in your head to create confidence.
  • Understanding your triggers & behaviors that create good & bad habits.
  • Managing your thoughts and feelings regardless of your circumstances.
  • Building accountability with a group of like-minded individuals through daily Facebook group lessons and check-ins.

and most importantly...

  • Taking action to start making sustainable change.

Hosted By

Nicki Conradt-Eberlin
Your Life & Habits Coach

January 10, 2023
12:00am Eastern Time

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